Developing Tomorrow’s Performances

The path to becoming a top athlete is long, and it's widely understood that natural talent alone isn't sufficient for high performance. Young people need to improve and refine their natural physical, psychological and social abilities before they can hope to reach the top of their sport.

I help young people develop the skills and confidence required to perform at highest level of their sport. I follow a science-informed long term athlete development strategy that emphasizes important aspects of youth sports such as character building, enjoyment, long-term engagement, skill enhancement, and personal ownership for their progress.

I am passionate about supporting young people, providing them with the same level of coaching as my individual athletes but at a reduced price. This is my way of giving back to the sport and leaving it in a better state than when I started.

Support for Junior Athletes

  • Long-term Athlete Development plan.

  • Season goal setting to build a systematic program periodized into the different training phases.

  • Baseline performance testing to identify your individual strengths and limiters.

  • Daily training sessions planned in detail 2-6 weeks in advance, with clearly defined weekly targets. Strength training and sports nutrition recommendations are are also included.

  • Feedback and data analysis provided on each training session, with adjustments to the plan made when needed

  • Weekly adaptation and recovery monitoring.

  • Communication when you need it through any of the regularly used platforms.

  • 4 Mental Coaching Sessions with Nina Riosa.

  • A friendly, encouraging and supportive environment where you can do your best work.

  • Family discounts on our partner’s products.

Price: €160/month

World-class coaching meets world-class equipment.

If you want to compete in bike racing, good equipment is mandatory. Argon 18 bikes are used by the fastest and strongest cyclists in the world to win medals.

I want to do my part to make cycling more affordable for young people and their families, that’s why when you invest in a combination of coaching and equipment I can help you save money on both.

Get in touch for more information.

Let’s Go!